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tv   Weekend Early Start  CNN  February 10, 2013 6:00am-7:00am EST

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just flooding us, possibly killing us. . from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, this is early start weekend. >> well look under every rock, well look around every corner and we will search mountain tops for him. >> he's out there somewhere. and l.a. police vow they will hunt him down. new developments this morning in the bizarre case of this rogue ex-cop. there is really no place to put the snow. >> cleaning up and digging out. the snow's finally stopped falling in the northeast, but get ready, there's another winter storm brewing right now. and tonight is the big night. it's all about the dudes, so
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where do the women fit into the all male affair? it's sunday, february 10th, good morning, everyone. i'm deborah feyerick in for randi kaye. los angeles police have a message for christopher dorner. >> we're all hoping dorner will turn himself in and the chief wants to reopen the case and he made a plea to dorner that he would turn himself in. and to be honest with you, that would be the best resolution for this local thing right now. no one else has to be shot or injured, no one else has to die. he can turn himself in anywhere and he'd be taken into custody and he'll be able to get his side of the story out. >> searchers are combing the snowy resort area of big bear lake east of los angeles where dorner's burned out truck was found abandoned thursday. they're also reopening the investigation into why dorner was fired from the lapd, the reason dorner says he's on this
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revenge killing spree. check out this video from an alley behind an auto parts store and you can see dorner's truck there and a man who appears to be dorner throw something stuff into a dumpster. the store's owner says the items were ammunition, military belt and a helmet, the video was from monday. and the hunt for dorner stretches from southern california to the border with mexico. paul, what is the latest on the search? because yesterday, nothing was coming up. >> reporter: well, that trail has gone just absolutely as cold as the hillsides and forest behind me. they have not seen any sign of dorner since that truck was found on thursday with its broken axle. but one thing that they were able to do is resume the ariel search yesterday because it had so much snow up here. they cooperate search in the snowstorm. so they went at it by air and on
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foot. that is the search crews. in air they were looking for tracks in the snow and then they went door to door, s.w.a.t. teams and others knocking on doors, trudging through snow, armed, checking with neighbors, checking with anybody to see if anybody has seen any sign of dorner. they did not come up with anything yesterday. so he clearly is not on the mountain right now as far as some are concerned. others say he probably could be here because it there are so many vacation homes that would not be unimaginable to think that he might try to get into one. we talked to one gentleman who said on his block alone he believe there is is only 10% occupancy in these vacation homes. many have a second home here. so right now the search up here very cold. >> what's so fascinating, you see some of the police trudging to the homes because so much snow fell, even if he did manage to get into one of those homes, they wouldn't necessarily be able to track his footprints. but let me ask you a question
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because there was a significant development last night and that is the lapd is reopening its investigation, which essentially is one of dorner's demands. one of the things that he writes in the manifesto, the lapd has suppressed the truth, it has led to deadly consequences. it seems now as about if he's kind of getting his way. is this strategic? >> reporter: i think it is strategic. i think that's a sub text to all of this. but also the lapd is saying straight up that it wants to be fair and transparent. so they'll reopen the investigation, make sure there was nothing wrong there, but, yes, the subtext would be perhaps dorner would see this and give himself up. of course they are calling for him to do that and behind the mayhem. >> absolutely. dorner says he wants to bring the truth to light. we'll see what happens. paul, thanks so much. and now to our other big story this morning. the massive blizzard that socked the northeast this weekend, the storm crippled air travel and stranded hundreds of drivers on
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highways that quickly became cover canned in snow. the storm and havoc it created led to the death of nine people including a 14-year-old boy in boston and a 74-year-old man in upstate new york. new york central park got a relative dusting, just 11 inches, certainly enough for people to come out and enjoy sledding. but it was a different story 80 miles away in hamden connecticut, that town digging itself out of 40 inches. boston got 25 inches and that's where we find endra peterson. massachusetts got hit hard by the power outages. what are the plans to get everything back on? >>. >> reporter: we have a 308,000 he is dents still without power. it's a cold night. temperatures just in the teens. we're seeing clear skies. but the story today as we start to see sunshine will be what to do with all of this snow.
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take a listen to what governor patrick had to say. >> we have a lot of snow to dispose of and to remove. and it will take some time to do that. >> reporter: the snow emergency will still stay into effect. we'll be talking about needing to clear the snows and the snow emergency will stay in effect today. and it will also take time for the airports to catch up. over 5,000 flights have been canceled last thursday. logan did open their first one last night at 11:00 p.m., but all of the severe weather will take time to get back to normal. here's the thing. today the sun expected to come out. we have all of this snow right behind me. we have one day to clean it up. and so we'll start to see it melt. but by tomorrow, we'll be talking about another chance for some icing and then even some more snow. so a lot of cleanup efforts will be needed here in boston. >> fascinating.
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i know i'm from morning city and they just dump the snow in the hudson river. so we'll see what they did decide to do in boston. indra peterson, thank you so much and welcome aboard to cnn here for us in boston this morning. good news if you're trying to get out of the northeast. all major airports are up and running today after more than 2,000 flights across the nation were canceled yesterday according to flight aware tracking. more than 5,000 have been canceled the entire weekend. that might mean some longer than usual wait times today. so bring a book. and a lot of patience. power crews are working to restore electricity to some 400,000 people across nine states. massachusetts and rhode island were hit the hardest. more than two dozen people will be waking up in a long island walmart this morning. road conditions became too dangerous for shoppers to leave
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during the blizzard, so walmart allowed them to stay. i guess they probably have plenty of things to eat and certainly tooth brushes. one customer said she threw in the towel after spending at least seven hours trying to drive just two miles home. even one of the cnn crews spent the night. there's a lot of back breaking work to be done in the northeast. hopefully they'll get a little help in the weather. let's check this with alexandra steel. we talk about snow melt. just seems like snow disperse aadisperseal. >> today they won't get any help from the weather. it's a cold night. the winds were up, so it did keep the temperatures up a bit. but right now temperatures are in the teens. new york only going to 34. so not a lot of melts today. 34 for a high at boston, 30 in al ban notice. albany only saw 4 inches of snow. but five states had at least 30 inches of snow plus. boston, their fifth ever
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greatest snowstorm. so where will the snow go? and we have rain coming into boot. so tomorrow we will see the beginning of snow melt. temperatures will warm pretty dramatically. we'll see 45 in boston, 47 in providence. portland, maine will get in to the 40s. portland having their greatest snowfall of all-time with the single snowstorm. so we'll see warming tomorrow, but tomorrow will actually be the warmest day of week. and then we'll watch rain come in and temperatures only stay in the 30s. so kind of a tough week. big picture, here comes next storm. we actually have a blizzard presenting itself. northern plains and upper midwest. here is the big picture. northern tier, snow maker. southern tier, severe weather maker for the southeast. so let's go to the north. minneapolis expecting about 4 to 6 inches of snow. that may have seemed like a lot a couple of days ago. and then duluth will get maybe 6 to 8 inches of snow. but for chicago, just a rainmaker today. maybe half an inch of rain. but here comes this line of severe weather.
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the possibility today for isolated tornadoes. we have a tornado watch in effect until 9:00 this morning. but that whole thing will shift eastward. so watch what happens. here is the big player. this is the area of low pressure coming out of of the rockies. it makes the snow and rainmaker for the midwest. but look what happens monday morning. monday morning in the northeast, the commute will not be good with all the rain coming in. so will flooding be a concern? that's the question. doesn't really seem to be, so in boston expecting maybe half an inch of rain. the biggest problems, though, will be where the storm drains have been clogged with the snow, so we won't allow that water to move. we'll see how that plays out. >> and just very quickly, will some of the snow melt with the higher temperatures, the temperatures in the 40s and is ice a possibility? >> oh, yeah. >> so rain, snow and ice city snow. >> and at night we'll watch the temperatures drop again, so the potential for refreezing on the roads. and then there's water and liquid and that may refreeze during the overnight hours. so a little roller coaster with the temperatures affecting the
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type of precip we've got. >> all right, alexandra steele, thanks so much. enjoy the white powerry stuff today because it won't last for long. stores yanking beef products off the shelves after horse meat was found in lasagna products. the company plans to sue their romanian supplier. drama seems to follow chris brown, the singer crashed his car into a wall in beverly hills last night. he was trying to allude the p paparazzi but was cut off in an alley. earlier this week he was in court, prosecutors accused him of skipping community service for the 2009 assault charge.
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well, the grammy awards are tonight and this year men are set to make a comeback. major nods are going to artists like mumford and sons. here are the nominees in the album of the year. black keys el camino, fun's album some nights, babel, and channel orange and finally blundebus. taylor swift is the opening act of of the show and that song, yeah, a lot of teenagers love that song. well, under fire and on the defense. senator menendez is speaking out about allegations that he partied with prostitutes and used a friend's plane. we'll tell he yyou what he's sa. and hockey and condors might not mix. we'll show you what happens. (push button tone) hir.
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gabby giffords will be at the state of the union address on tuesday a guest of representative ron barber who's placed her in the house. giffords was shot in the head in january 2011 in arizona. six other people were killed. just last month giffords called on congress to enact tougher gun laws. this weekend michelle obama attended the funeral for the 15-year-old chicago honor student who was gunned down just a week after performing at president obama's inauguration.
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here's more on the service. >> reporter: the first lady traveled here because she and the president were heartbroken to learn of the passing and wanted to offer condolences. she did not speak, but she did meet before the service with friends and classmates and had a private meeting with her family. the service was about 3 1/2 hours long and it included remarks from a long list of friends, classmates, teammates and family members. some of it quite emotional. let's listen to what her mother had to say. >> you don't know how hard this really is. and those of you that do know how hard this is, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. no mother, no father, should ever have to experience this. >> reporter: this service was also meant to be a celebration
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of her young life, this is a young woman excited to go to college one day, perhaps major in journalism or pharmacology. her parents say they want her death to be a part of this gun violence debate and the father hopes that this will bring both sides together. he says he wants to see not a democratic or republican approach to reducing gun violence, but a multifaceted one. the program for pendleton's funeral included a copy of a handwritten note from president obama himself and it read in part we know that no words from us can sooth your pain, but rest assured that we'll work as hard as we can to he said end this senseless violence. well, robert menendez continues to fight a slew of allegations against him including he partied with prostitutes overseas, used his office to accept unreported plane flights and intervene in a friend's medicare billing dispute. he first denied the claims in an exclusive interview with cnn
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last week saying unidentified accusers are trying to defame him. he also spoke out to univision, quote, nobody has bought me. no one ever. in 209 years i've been in congress, never has it been suggested that that could even be possible. never in 20 years of public life. so i'm not going to reach this moment in my life to make that a possibility says menendez. look at this adorable little face. still around for the incredible story of how she was born in the heart of this weekend blizzard with the help of emt crews and, yes, national guard. if you're going to be born, make it a splash. it should be under stephens. the verizon share everything plan for small business. get a shareable pool of data... got enough joshua trees? ... on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time... yea, the golden barrels... managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we're going to need to order more agaves... ah! oh! ow! ... and more bandages. that's powerful. shareable data
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time for sports and we start with an inconstant classic. i'm talking about last night's louisville/notre dame game. one for the record books. went on for five overtimes before the fighting irish took home the win. joe carter is here with this morning's bleacher report. unbelievable joe. >> there is one of the greatest basketball games at least in college that i've ever seen. these two teams, notre dame, louisville, known to battle it out in overtime the last few years, but last night's game as you said an instant classic. in the final minute of regulation, louisville looked to control for the win, but notre dame scored 12 points in the final 50 seconds to force the first of five overtimes. 26 lead changes. the score was tied 16 different
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times. the game lasted 3:40 it goes down as the longest regular season game in big east history. notre dame outlasts louisville in five 0 ts. 104-101. and more drama. wisconsin down by three points against michigan. brusq a half-court shot sends the game into overtime. you have to love the extra sessions. and in the overtime session, then another big three-pointer. unranked wisconsin upsets number three michigan 65-62. now on a lighter note in the minor league hockey league, the condors they're called, they actually brought out an actual condor as part of their pregame program. unfortunately didn't go as plann planned. got away from his handler. he tried to grab the bird, but
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he slips and falls. sneakers don't match on ice very well. the condor actually gets shooed off the ice and into the home team's bench. players freak out and the coach. kind of a light moment there in minor league hockey. the handler a little nicked up. the bird fine. bird going to be fine. so to more entertaining sports news, you can know to bleacher i don't think they will be 23469ing t2346 inviting the actual condor back anytime soon. >> someone rethinking whether that was a good idea or not. i don't know why i find that so funny, but thank you so much. poor condor, i guess. well, "saturday night live" talking about laughs had a little fun last night at the super bowl's expense. who are specifically all the dancing the hosts had for do when the lights went out. >> i've just received word that our own steve tasker on the sideline has new information. steve. >> i don't know who told you that, jb. and i'm willing to bet that you
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made it up. suffice to say i have no new information. back to you, jb. >> back to you, steve. >> you can't back to you me. i just backed to you you. back to you. >> and right back to ya. so, dave, news came out that you fathered a child in an extramarital affair. >> we agreed that was off-limits. >> that was before, dan in a reno. this is a new world now. we have to build air time. we all going to have to admit to some stuff. >> all right. well, okay, maybe new england was slammed with some record snowfall, but some things in this world just can't wait. case in point, this little girl who was ready to enter the world while her parents were snowed in. thankfully the national guard came to their rescue. they helped deliver her and gave the family a special escort to the hospital. they had their fun, but now time for the cleanup. the northeast digs out after a
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massive winter storm. and fighting back against the taliban and eshing t earning th medal of honor. the incredible story of clint romesha. you're crazy. honor. the incredible story of clint romesha. (mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe... i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. [ male announcer ] how could switchgrass in argentina, change engineering in dubai, aluminum production in south africa, and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 75% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus
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welcome back. so glad could you start your morning here with us. a special welcome to our troops watching on the american formses network. and a good morning to washington, d.c.. take a look. this is a shot of the capital, sun rising beautiful. i'm deborah feyerick in for randi kaye. it is half past the hour. good news for boeing after the first test flight of their 787 dreamliner. the two hour flight was, quote, uneventful. that's the good news. all 50 of the company's 787s had been grounded after two of the planes had major problems with the batteries. one plane caught fire. boeing is planning more test flights to test the batteries. c ucht e tue the parties. it is carnaval time in rio. now to the weather and the aftermath of the big blizzard in boston. residents are cleaning up after
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the storm dumped more than two feet across the city. the cleanup turned deadly for one teenaged boy. he died of carbon monday kacaro poisoning trying to warm up the car. they don't have a lot of time to clean up the city. >> reporter: they don't. we have 24 hours here to clean up. right now the state of massachusetts 300,000 people still without power. you can see the sun is slowly starting to come out here, but it is cold. temperatures are in the teens. but here is the good news. yeah, we have one day, temperatures today expected to be above freezing. we'll do everything we can. keep in mind we have 24.9 inches of snow to deal with. so with that, yes, the travel ban has been lifted, people can drive around, but the snow emergency has not been lifted. we didn't want anyone parking on the roads here because they need to clean this up.
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but like you mentioned, one day. by tomorrow, we're already going to be talking about ice and then even some rain. flooding concerns will be out there. and of course we know that's not the only concern. we're talking about flights. logan finally opened up one line yesterday at 11:00 p.m., they opened up that strip. but we have over 5,000 flights that have been canceled since last thursday, not to mention the severe weather across the o country. it will take time to play catch up. >> it's fascinating to see all the snow behind you. the i know kids are having fun, but with the change in temperature, everything changes. another big story we're it following. the massive manhunt for triple killer christopher dorner. police are scouring big bear lake where his abandoned truck was spotted thursday. it they say they'll leave no rock turned to find the rogue
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ex-cop an accused of killing three people. he's found revenge on police and their families for his firing back in 2008. one of the victims was the daughter of a police officer. los angeles police chief says he's reopening an investigation into dorner's termination and the reason he's doing that is to reassure the public that lapd is transparent and fair. with explosions all around them, chaos erupted at an american outpost in afghanistan. during that attack more than three years ago, one man stood out. former staff sergeant clint romesha. he will receive the medal of honor. one of the few living americans to do so. he sat down with jake tapper. >> there was movement everywhere. muzzle flashes everywhere. just couldn't pick them out fast enough. >> reporter: october 2009. up to 400 taliban fighters
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unleashed a torrent of withering fire on an american outpost in eastern afghanistan. the attack so fierce, in the end more than half of the 53 u.s. troops at the outpost were were killed or wounded. but as buildings burned and the enemy ran freely through the outpost, soldiers became heros. one in particular. >> i know that there are so many great soldiers out there that would have stepped into my shoes and done the same thing. >> reporter: former staff sergeant clint romesha is a reluctant hero. that day he helped plan the recapture of keating and led troops in repelling the onslaught of taliban fighters during a grueling day-long battle. next week, romesha will receive the medal of honor, highest award for combat bravery, becoming just the fourth living recipient among those who have served in afghanistan and iraq. chris jones was a young private under romesha's command when the
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taliban struck. >> he is in my opinion the only reason we came back that day. >> you led them into places where your fellow soldiers had already been killed. that's why you're getting this medal. others have died in the place that you ran into. you weren't worried? >> there wasn't time to sit there and worry about stuff out of our control. we had the tools. we had the training. we had the spirit. you know, we had the support of each other. it was the time. >> reporter: by the end of the day, eight soldiers were dead. and 23 wounded. romesha now has a place in history, one that he shares with his comrades. >> it's a greater honor for me to know i couldn't have done what i did without those guys,
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that team. it was everybody that day. that's what excites me about this. it's those guys. >> reporter: jake tapper, mino. >> you can see an american hero a special report tonight at 8:00 eastern here right here with us on cnn. leather and furs may be trends for the fashion week runways, but you won't see either of these in in collection. we'll tell you why. why not make the day unforgettable? with two times the points on travel, from taxis to trains. you'll be asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. there's more to enjoy.
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new york fashion week is making history. for the first time, a collection from ma fr made from animal-free products. her love for animals has a global following among animal rights activists and eco conscious fashionistas. she prints stapts s conscious fashionistas. she prints stapts tatements on t-shirts. sarah, she's taking it even one step further. >> reporter: exactly. she has a c ompare son with stella mccart that i, the daughter of paul mccartney and the late linda mccartney who was very active in the animal rights community. when stella left chloe to start
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other then label, she was actually recruited by gucci and turned the gig down allegedly because she didn't want to work with wool, leather, fur, sherling. and we're seeing this eco-friendly line, but on the runway, we're seeing fur, fur, fur. so an interesting trend. >> there were remarks about be i don't know stay's super bowl costume, something to the effect we would take a bet if beyonce watched our video expo say, she would probably not want to be seen again in anything made of snakes, lizards, rabbits or other animals who have died painfully. a lot of fashionistas are trending toward other fabrics. hilgart has sponsors supporting
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her, including humane society of the u.s.. we saw some dogs there being held by some of the models. >> hil ghchlt hilgart swears her heart on her sleeves. into big animal rights groups were so site so if you had any questions about ethical dilemmas, you could talk to them. so she definitely had no stops with really promoting her vegan lifestyle. >> and what's interesting is that i didn't understand is that they don't even use wool in the fabrics either. so what is she making these out of? >> she's using a lot of velvet, recycled cotton, anything that you can make a fabric out of. she was looking towards alternatives. and she's really a rebel. the thing that she said was it's
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so easy to use fur and leather, for her to actually kind of move away from this, it's being real bell y rebellious. and in fashion and art, it's always good to push those limits and she's doing that. >> her price points, we see some of her jackets there, i've read that coats and skirts retail fo about $200. how does that fit into the couture spectrum of pricing? >> she'll be on the lower price point. to the every day consumer, it's still a little higher than you'll see at some of your big box retailers. but in terms of couture, definitely something ready to wear. not something that you'll see on the red carpet, it's something you'll pull on to enjoy brunch on saturday with your friends. >> all right. thanks so much. appreciate it. if you want to read more about vegan couture, check out
6:45 am happy chinese new year. we'll tell you why you can now be proud when someone calls you a snake. history of the tradition behind the animals next. [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation, so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply.
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an explosive night in beijing. lots of fireworks to light up the night skies. residents welcome in the year of the snake. it's the chinese new year and they're not just celebrating in chinatown. crowds hit the streets wearing colorful costumes.
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thousands marched and danced to ring in the year of the snake. nadia, first of all, wishing you prosperity. >> thank you. >> which is the greeting people say. [ speaking foreign language ] >> that's why i stuck to english. so impressed. tell me the year of the snake. >> year of the snake. if you are a snake, which i happen to know is your sign, it means you're generous, charming, smart, and it also means you should take risk this is year because it will pay you abundant difference depends. >> i will take anything that's good that works in my favor. let's talk about it's a very colorful festival. there are usually the dragons dancing and you see a lot of red and golds. >> yes, lots of red, red meaning prosperity, abundance, passion. and one of the things that's wonderful is you give your family red envelopes. and in the red envelopes are crisp notes. so again, the whole idea behind
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abundance and color and bringing in the joy. >> i love the music. and i love watching the magnificent danceses that are so in-hair represent in the part of the chinese culture. >> and you often see the dragon dancers and lion dancers. and both dragons and lions again, bravery, overcoming obstacl obstacles, incredibly passionate dances, very vibrant. and anything that wards off evil and brings in good luck. >> what's fascinating also is that the chinese calendar or the chinese years, you've got the year of the snake. last year was the year of the dragon, the year of the rat, the boar. interesting animals. why? >> the legend goes that the animals were invited to race and the 12 animals that we have in the lunar calendar is the ones that raced. and the rat won and the rat forgot to wake up the cat, so
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the cat always chases the rat. all the animals are the best of the attributes. >> so what are some of the other traditions associated with this? >> well, you definitely shouldn't be cutting your hair on the start of chinese new year because that's cutting out the good luck. you also don't want to be sweeping things away. so you can sweep the night before, but not on chinese new year. sweeping away. also don't wash your hair, wash away good luck. so symbolism around keeping in all the good fortune and not letting it go. and happy new year in mandarin or cantonese. >> you sweep the nice before to get rid of the bad luck. >> bring in the color, the joy, abundance and courage. and to all the people born this 2013, and it's 12 years back.
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so the next year of the snake will be in 2025. but it's 12 years out. every two years. and those of the snake apparently this year is an especially good year if you're born 2013 going 12 backwards. >> you just made my more than. thank you. nadia, thank you so much. we really appreciate it. always fascinating. wishing you prosperity. >> thank you. between the golden globes and the oscars, there's the bafta awards. will it offer any surprises? a preview next. r long-term goal, not their short-term agenda. [ woman ] if you have the nerve to believe that cookie cutters should be for cookies, not your investment strategy. if you believe in the sheer brilliance of a simple explanation. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do: face time and think time make a difference. join us.
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the week ahead. on monday, president clinton will award clinton romesha the medal of honor. he risked his life to save fellow soldiers in afghanistan in 2009. also -- president obama, i apologize. and on monday, westminster dog show. on tuesday, the state of the union is coming up. you might have to dvr night two of the dog show because president obama will give the state of the union address on fuss. wednesday, and mark zuckerberg the founder of facebook gets political. he's hosting a fund raiser for new jersey republican governor chris christie's re-election bid. and on thursday, illinois gay marriage legislation legalizing same-sex marriage in illinois could reach the floor. that's on valentine's day. on friday, the asteroid, we're all talking about the asteroid.
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150-foot asteroid about half the size of a football field will be the closest shave in known history according to masnasa. coming as close as 17,000 miles to our planet. closer than the tv satellites you're watching me on right now. the grammys aren't the only awards show we're watching today. there are also the baftas. big names, big movies, big drama. becky anderson has more. >> reporter: we have the golden globes, screen actors guild awards, directors guild awards. still plenty of red carpet for the stars to walk yet. next leg, the bafta awards in london on sunday. >> you of all people should know that once you're on their list, you never get off. >> reporter: zero dark 0 is indeed on the list for b30 is
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indeed on the list for best film. it's up geagainst argo. and apparently they can teach a tiger to act. life of pi has nine nominations and with les mis in the mix, competition is fierce. they could all be sent packing by "lincoln" which leads the list with ten nominations. >> a common notion is this, things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. >> reporter: that's all very well, mr. president, but daniel
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day-lewis is red carpet royalty, up for his fourth bafta, not to mention history making third oscar for best actor. >> big films to small french films, some really well established names. and then some people, you know, like ben affleck who is on the list for the first time. so it's a really great list actually. >> reporter: and it promises to be a really great night hosted once again by british company median steven fry who says his job will be made easier if the stars are less than says his job will be made easier if the stars are less than polished. >> if someone falls over, heel breaks and falls over, and is rescued by somebody gallant. somebody like hugh jackman will come in and rescue her. that's very good. people like that. >> reporter: slips, slides and gaffes aside, the baftas are second only in prestige


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